Attack on Titan


Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. The series is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by enormous walls due to the Titans, gigantic humanoid creatures who devour humans seemingly without reason. The story follows the protagonist Eren Yeager, along with his adoptive sister Mikasa Ackerman and his friend Armin Arlert, as they join the military to fight the Titans after their hometown is attacked and Eren’s mother is eaten.

Plot and Characters

The plot of Attack on Titan is full of twists and turns, with various subplots and multiple character story arcs that are expertly woven together. The series explores themes of government corruption, isolationism, and the cost of war. The characters range from tragic heroes to villainous counterparts, with each one having their own backstory and motives.

The protagonist, Eren Yeager, is a hot-headed and determined character who seeks revenge against the Titans for taking everything from him. On the other hand, Mikasa Ackerman is a confident and skilled fighter who has a strong attachment to Eren due to their shared traumatic past. Armin Arlert, the brains of the trio, is often conflicted about the ethical implications of killing Titans, making him a more complex character.

Art and Animation

The art style of Attack on Titan is unique, with thick black lines and highly-detailed backgrounds that add to the dark and eerie atmosphere of the series. The Titans themselves are designed to look disturbing and grotesque, which furthers the horror aspect of the manga.

The animation of the Attack on Titan anime adaptation is top-notch, with fluid action scenes and stunningly choreographed battle sequences. The blend of 2D and 3D animations adds depth to the visuals and enhances the overall cinematic experience of the series.


Attack on Titan is a gripping, action-packed, and thought-provoking manga that is definitely worth a read. With complex characters, an intriguing plot, and stunning art and animation, it’s no wonder why the series has gained so much popularity worldwide. If you haven’t already given this manga a chance, I highly recommend it.







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